The Rivers of France – Quiz

France is blessed with a plethora of rivers that, over the millennia, have shaped its landscape. They have carved out gorges, laid down flood plains and provided wetlands and marshes for  a variety of wildlife. Rivers were used as trade routes even during times of pre history and as such towns and cities grew up […]

French Cities Quiz

How well do you know French cities? Which city sits on the banks of the Garonne? Where are Airbus Industries located? In which city would you find the Moulin Rouge? If you know the answers to any of these then try the French cities quiz below. How did you do? Which question did you find […]

Where in France

Here’s something to puzzle over. The photograph of this French city has been distorted into a “planet”. Can you identify the city? It is a view of the city often seen in photographs in guidebooks and brochures as it illustrates a particular characteristic of the city and one from which it gets its nickname. Can […]