France is blessed with a plethora of rivers that, over the millennia, have shaped its landscape. They have carved out gorges, laid down flood plains and provided wetlands and marshes for  a variety of wildlife.

Rivers were used as trade routes even during times of pre history and as such towns and cities grew up on their banks. Some of the cities in the estuaries of the major rivers still operate as ports. Less trade is done along the river routes now as goods are moved by road and rail much more efficiently.

France by Train
© Didier B – Wikimedia commons

Today the rivers satisfy the demand for leisure and adventure. Fishing, cruising and watersports form the bulk of what is sometimes referred to “tourisme fluvial

How well do you know your French rivers? Can you name the any of the major rivers in France? Which cities are on which river? The following is a quiz to test your knowledge of the rivers of France.

How did you do? Did you have to refer to a map or Wikipedia?

Photographs that were not taken by me are from;; all used with the appropriate permissions

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